Boxes of books to sort from the attic
Time for the great book sort in this season of life. There were 16 book boxes in the attic. Time to deal with excesses of possessions! It is that season of life for us as older adults.
It was the great book sort.
The childhood bins and boxes have already been taken by the older kids when they moved to larger homes. The younger ones, Amy and Meg will take theirs when they have larger homes.
Season to Sort for the Future

Enjoying all the boxes and books that to be sorted
We want to continue the process of emptying the attic. Our season of life is taking the long view of our lives. I call this the Great Book Sort because of the sheer volume of books!
The Christmas storage is to the right in the above photo. That is slowly being reduced too. I do wonder if they warn their kids to not say that they like something because Grandpa and Grandma may just give it to you!
Having this many extra boxes full of books was dangerously close to hoarder status!
Our aim is to leave our affairs in good order. Instead of leaving a home full of stuff, we want to lessen that burden as much as possible.
Call for Help

the great book sort begins
As Jim started to bring down the boxes, I knew we were going to need help.
I called Nancy! Her response was can I bring the family? Of course. It was on a Saturday.
Nancy very quickly and efficently established a rhythm for doing the job. Jim and Nathan, our SIL brought the boxes down. Unboxing and sorting by genres was mine and Jim’s job.
For this big project with several steps Nancy was the boss. One person directing us was best.
Do You Want Any of These Books?
Sorting by genres and topics made it easier for Nancy to ask her siblings the big question.
“Do you want these?”
She made short stacks of about 5 books by topics and genres. Her genius idea for getting siblings to claim books was to take a photo of 5 books to text to their sibling group text.
They responded quickly to my surprise!
The claimed stacks were boxed and labeled. On their next visit, guess what they had to take home!
Asking for Help
This was a big project! It would have taken us days to complete it. Nancy and Jessica, our DIL who came the following weekend saved us from hours of work and stress! Having a neutral person(s) to help can be helpful.
We even had fun. Books we had forgotten that we kept and others that begged the question why did we ever keep this? The grandkids came up to check out what we were doing. They would take a seat on the floor to flip through and start reading some and setting aside some to claim.
When Jessica and Rob came the next weekend, she immediately went to work finalizing the project by resorting as needed and adding labels to the packed boxes that we lined buy the wall for the kids to take home.
Plan for Sorting Efficiency

Making progress sorting
Plan for efficiency. It helped to keep us is focused.
- Decide what you are sorting and where to do the process
- Collect supplies. Boxes, trash bags, post it notes, moving tape, removable tape, Sharpies
- Bring selected collections or items out of storage to the space that you will use for the sorting
- Call for HELP if you need it.
- Decide what to do with items no one wants.
Low Pressure Book Sort for this Season of Life

Having a list is the beginning of bringing what you want to accomplish into focus. “Eliminate and concentrate” is a principle to apply when tackling these tasks. Sort, keep, give or sell! It helps to focus.
What should go and what to keep is important. A word of warning. This may mean do then repeat. It gives you time to reconsider if needed
When doing a major sort, limit it to one catagory or room like an office or bedroom. With any project like this it is so easy to lose focus.
Season of Life Sorting of Books and Belongings

Finishing the Great Book Sort Project
Jim and I have moved our family many times across the country and abroad. Each time we planned and sorted. Our last overseas move included and auction and storage.
When we returned to home, it was to our final home with a full size attic. It has been a blessing for us. As we did our final resettling into a new home, storage and shipments were delivered. All our belongings were in one place after over 13 years.
We settled in well. Now we are in a new season of life. Time to eliminate and concentrate our household goods.
As we broached the subject of what do you want with Will and Meg over brunch, Meg asked if this was about us dying or to give away now?
Give away now. Only then would she engage in the discussion. Both she and Will identifed 2 paintings they both wanted! Because there was another one he also wanted it wasn’t an issue. But he said what we were all thinking about that might happen when that time comes.
“So it begins!”
Honestly, we hope to plan well to make the future easier for all of us.
So we are indeed taking this season of life seriously in planning, sharing and giving. Don’t worry! We definitely are enjoying ourselves too. I hope this series of posts are helpful for you.
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We are in about the same season of life. I am trying very hard to start purging some of my things. My seasonal decorations. Some of my clothes, although they are all paid for and sure as I toss something, it will become the latest trend!! Just not buying a whole lot of new stuff. And it feels good.
I was a librarian so books were my weakness but children’s books. I have finally donated most of my children’s books to other librarians and libraries but I can’t bear to part with my fairy tales yet. I did give my daughters the books I had kept from their childhoods. And I am in the process of scanning and uploading old photos. Huge project.
Thank you for inspiring us with your great book sort. I am going to pin this post for when my husband finally decides to go through his office full of books.
Good morning! Glad it was inspiring. It is so tough to get started on this type of sorting. We talk alot about our thousands of photos and how to sort but mostly now it is just how to get started and keep going! I don’t buy much at all either. I still have our yungest books that they still want. Eventually when they move to larger spaces they will get them. I should explore where to donate our overflow! Thanks so much for connecting!