Prepare work surface with a light flouring
Using a food processor, pluse flours, salt, and butter until blended well, about 1 minute
Add sugar, process into mixture
Add egg yolk, vanilla, and water
Process for a few seconds until dough balls up on the sides
Remove and put on your prepared work surface
Working the dough into a ball then push out small pieces smashing working the dough so the dough is gently worked throughly
Shape the dough back into a cake shape
Wrap in plastic wrap, chill until cold and hard
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
When the dough is not sticky and still cold, half it
Cover half of the dough and return to the refrigerator
Lightly flour the top of dough and rolling pin. Be careful to not be heavy handed with the flour.
Quickly roll out to desired thickness
For crispier, roll to 1/8 in thickness
Cut out cookies while the remaining dough is chilling
Bake on nonstick cookie sheet or parchment paper
If you don't want the cookies puffy, pick gently with a fork
If the dough splits, push together patting it smooth or lightly roll
Add sprinkles or other decorations for baking
Bake on middle rack for 8 -10 minutes at 400 degrees
If thinly rolled, gentle remove cookies to rack for cooling
Dough will keep 2 -3 days. It also freezes well.