I can’t tell you how much pleasure the new arrangement in our middle room gives me a smile when I walk in it and it’s often!
As you may know we are empty nesters. That means some lifestyle changes. Bedrooms to be cleaned and maybe repurposed. Or you maybe packing up childhood treasures as you sort, give away or toss from those rooms as our now grown children move out. Not to college, but it is a moving out!
PLEASANT room for ‘sitting’

When I come downstairs in the morning, this is room that greets me. It is the middle room, the one between the living room and kitchen.
This odd room has two windows, 4 doors and two built in china cabinets from years gone by. Notice the built in clock shelf over the glass book case.
Often, I’ll just bring my coffee with my book to sit. It’s a favorite spot in the afternoon. Serene.
Sometimes Jim and I have our morning devotions and coffee here. Sometimes it’s the spot where we join each other during the day to sit and talk.
conversation, games and cards

The French style card table is in front of the cabinet with the pale grey side chairs. This china cabinet was made to close the Dutch door long before we bought this old farmhouse.
During Easter weekend our kids and grandkids were here minus the ones traveling in Italy. Some of us sat in the middle room just talking. Others drifted through as we had a free floating conversations. Some pulled up an extra chair to join in.
Two grandkids sat at the card table legs crossed playing two different games on the same board. He was playing one and she was playing another in their own little world, making up their own rules and enjoying every minute of it.

That’s the beauty of this room. The TV was on the the living room where the girls lounged. The boys were up and down playing whatever little boys play as they run up and down all our stairs to the attic and down. There are three staircases.
We were right in the middle of the action!
changes over the years

It just took 20 years and a pair of chairs to get this room right!
This room has been the dining room, a den, the office and a craft room.
Honestly, I’ve done a lot of moving furniture around.
Nothing ever lasted. The room never functioned well; it just wasn’t right.
a pair of chairs was key

It all came together when I bought these sweet wing back chairs from a friend who posted them on FB. I messaged her right away!
No one was sure about these chairs. Who buys furniture when you are taking steps to move stuff out of the door?
Well, me. I just knew they were right.
The two chairs are situated by the antique Chinese buffet between the tall bookcases made with reclaimed wood and architecture pieces also from China.
finding a new purpose for us empty nesters

This middle room has finally found its purpose that works for us! It has new life breathed into it!
Do you have a room like that?
finishing touches

Jim brought down from the attic the room sized rug. There is nothing like a rug that is the right size and design to anchor a room!
The corner is simple with the Chinese antique horseshoe chair. It gets moved around alot!
Just one more thing needed

But then one night when we were playing cards I realized there was one more thing needed.
A lamp!
Eventually, I found this blue and white charmer. Perfect in size, price and style!
You can’t go wrong with a classic style blue and white ginger jar lamp. It does have to be the right size and scale though. Just like the rug.
a room to bring a smile

So on Easter Sunday, family sat and talked, enjoying the space. One said this is just so nice to have this room like this. A space for conversation, playing games or cards as activity swirls through and around us.
The room’s charm suits this old farmhouse.
a room to enjoy

Do you have a room that just makes you smile? That you enjoy being in, just because?
A home is ever evolving as our family grew and children moved out. Grandkids run freely inour home and around the yard.
I do have some to do yet in a bedroom that is now a guest room with mattresses leaning against a wall.
Room for visiting kids and grandkids is important to us. So is this space to capture a peaceful respite for us during our day.
So satisfying. Isn’t that the way our home should be? It doesn’t have to be expensive or follow trends. It just has to suit you and yours.
Hope you enjoy your home today!
I have linked products I used that are the same or similar. Please note I may recive a small commission for purchases made at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your purchase!
How lovely to have a room such as that, where multiple generations of family gather and memories are made. It seems warm and inviting and I’m glad you found your finishing touches.
Thank you for your kind comments. Amazing how rooms function can change over time. It really suits us well.
I love your middle room – and your updates seemed to have given it more purpose than just a place to stop going to other rooms.
We are loving it and so does the rest of the family!
Thanks so much for participating Linda (and welcome to our Linky) and sharing at SSPS 306. See you again next week at https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/
Looking forward to it! Have a wonderful week.
That does look like such a wonderful and inviting space now.
Good morning! Thanks Joanne for your kind comments.
hi linda
Love the memories and the updates Linda!
Thank you Laura!! Apprciate it.
Hubby & I are empty nesters as well…have been for a few year…and we are loving it! I love our girls…but they have their own homes…and we enjoy when they come here or we visit them. Love the blue & white lamp…final touch to the space!
We enjoy it too! Thankful all our kids leave near, either in town or a couple of hours away.