Living in an old, old house has its draw backs like lack of closet space and an abundance of walls. This old house had no fireplace. How is that even possible?
Living in an old house has its advantages too. after all it is a piece of history.
We got two estimates. I knew what the result was going to be based on watching lots of HGTV reno shows. We were right on the dot! But I have to tell you, seeing those numbers printed on letterhead took my breath away! Now what?

Future home of new fireplace

Opposite wall between the dining and living room
Our grand dream got a large dose of reality. Jim and I made a list and prioritized. What did we really want for our home?
We wanted a fireplace. Unreasonable perhaps but I felt it was totally necessary.

BEFORE Fireplace was put in on this wall.
We decided on 2 closets for 2 rooms. More on that project later.
We hired contractors we felt we could work with best and got a revised estimate.
So, this is what happened. A lot of work!
The ugly paneling had to go! New drywall was going up. Old horse hair insulation and plaster crumbled away underneath. Plastic sheets hug all around. Ram board protected our original pine sub-floor.
Plugs and switches were laying about on the floor waiting to be installed.
The framework went up. New installation was hung. We should be toasty warm this winter. Putting in a fireplace is involved. We got a new chimney too.
I dragged the furniture around to see how it would look.
One afternoon, sitting the couch in the new spot, I looked over my shoulder to the wall that hid the basement door.

See how it was blocking us in !

BEFORE Wall view from the dining room
Can we get rid of it? How much to take that out? Jim said , “Let’s ask.”

BEFORE Half would be felled.
The answer…
Not much!
Tear it down!

Original horse hair insulation hanging from the upper wall. Note missing ceiling dry wall.
My kids were aghast! It seemed rather radical to them. I was feeling free and excited!

Horse hair insulation and original plaster

Pre new dry wall
The response was WOW! It looks amazing.
This open look fit our old farmhouse perfectly!

BEFORE Dividing wall between front room and living room
A dream revised is still a dream.
Jim and I sat on the couch picturing how beautiful it as all going to be. I looked over at the other wall.
“Hey, how about that wall? Think it could go too?” I hope for a good affordable response from our project manager. “Let’s ask.”

Stripped dividing wall
Not much.
It would be about the same as new drywall if it is not structural. None of us thought it was but you never know. The hard part might be the floor; the stains are different. There may be a large gap if boards don’t line up.

AFTER Both walls came down.
Tear it down.

AFTER The wall came down. The stain is darker. More stuff to put away!
A few days later I got a call while I was out from Jim.
What do you think about a new ceiling? It looks bad with all the walls coming down. How much?
Not much.
I told you there would be things I just never thought of just to get a fireplace! Between us, I kind of dread the not much extras on the final bill.
Result… Love, love, love it!!
We’re not finished, not anywhere near finished. A dozen details are left to do before we are finished!
Can’t wait to show you more of our exciting farmhouse changes!
Drop by for a visit here
Maybe linking here
Your reno is going to look amazing and I can tell you are over the moon happy to see the walls come down…amazing what they used for insulation….
Going to be absolutely wonderful. I love it. So much history.
We are loving it! Have a good Monday Sandy! Love ya, Linda
LOVE your place!
Thanks Deanna. Looking forward to it being done.
Linda, a decade ago, we renovated a 100-year old Four Square, so I can sure identify with no closet space (it had one fireplace, though, but we weren’t able to repair it), Love what you are doing! Thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words about my reno. Have a great weekend!
Isn’t it wonderful when you figure to how to renovate your home to fit you and the house!
So exciting! It is amazing how one thing leads to another when renovating…you will love having a fireplace!
Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!
So what is estimated time date for it to be done? Then the real time line? Going to be wonderful and warmer when you are done..
Good questions. I have t check with Jim about start date. We are in the wait mode for the closet doors. Should be here tomorrow. I’m going to check with Jess who should be here tomorrow.
Very nice. It is going to look very pretty.