Do you enjoy going to a local coffee shop handbook store like Barnes and Noble for coffee and lingering over decorator books like me? Or do you carry your own to the local favorite? As we all know, that’s out of the question now. While I and other amateur decorators and home stylists may consider it essential others setting the rules don’t agree. Thank goodness for home libraries and the internet. So grab a cup of your favorite hot drink or iced tea and check this out!
I’m pulling some favorite decorating books off my shelf. Seems I have the time to revisit these lovely pages. These 4 books were on my LR shelves, easy to pull down. Inspiration and ideas are floating through my head. Most I’ll never act on but it sure is fun to think about it.

All can be found on Amazon or other bookstore links. These are just a few of my shelf. Since I am planning a big shopping excursion to my attic for more color, the Eddie Rose Modern Mix is my current favorite for inspiration.

I also discovered a You Tube video with a high end decorator. Turns out it was on a channel of short visits to homes of many decorators. Most I have never heard of or seen a book written by them. It doesn’t matter. These decorators move in a world I don’t but it is nice to visit thru videos and pages of books. A visit to one of Bunny Williams’ homes. Oh, yes please.
Since we have a Fire Stick now, I can easily connect to the internet to watch them on the large screen which is nice or on my lap top. It gives the viewer just a peek into the designer’s world and the beauty they create. I can happily imagine that maybe I could take those ideas and use them. Mostly I just enjoy seeing the creative beauty of these home with commentary by the host and decorators. I subscribed but not sure exactly how that works for this channel. See here.

You’ll love it! At least I hope you do. What sources do you go to for decorating inspiration?
I just subscribed to it! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Penny.
Thanks Penny! That’s encouraging.