This is a post from 2021 Lenten season. This year there is no snow. Spring sprouts are beginning to pop up in the flower beds. But no blooms yet. Just the promise of what is coming soon!

When the blossoms do come, it will be a glorious sight!

lent is a reminder of brokeness
O Jesus, quicken me. O Jesus, rise in me. O Jesus, drink of me.

This poem writte in 1857 by Christina Rossetti. ‘A Better Resurection’ speaks of despair but still holds out the promise of renewal, of relief.
Yesterday was the first day of Lent. Today early morning snow started to fall gently covering the bare spots from the earlier snow. Winter is still here; many are staying in place.

The foreheads of many were marked with the sign of the cross in ashes. An act of pennace that is usually coupled with confession by the congregation and individually.
We missed that this year. Jim and I both had Covid.
lent is a challenge

Lent is not observed by all Christians. It’s a tradition that stems from history. Like many of traditions and observations, they are rooted in early practices adopted to encourage believers in their faith. Lent is a call to action.
Action? It is a personal challenge to examine our hearts and lives. Personal accountability for our sins. Acknowleging and confessing to God seeking forgiveness and help from the Holy Spirit daily.
An opportunity to draw ourselves closer to Him, recognizing His mercy and grace and to joy to come when we celebrate Easter, the resurrecction of Jesus
The most common way to observe the 40 days of Lent is to give something us. Have you noticed some people are not on social media for this period of time? Maybe, you gave up chocolate.

Lent is 40 days plus Sundays. Forty days length of giving up food mirrors Jesus’s time in the desert when he faced temptations. The Lenten season is a time of reflection for each of us.Maye there is a need to refocus Mabe like Jesus, thre is a new season coming and you need to prepare.
Lent brings into focus for me how totally dependent I am on God.
lent is a season of promise

Lent is a season of promise! I was struck by the simplicity of Rossetti’s words but the depth of despair, dullness and lack of any joy is expressed so eloquently with richness that uses words that make those feelings understandable.
Expressions of the heart.
lent is a reminder of hope
The resurrection of Christ is so many things to us and for us. God’s love and trustworthiness in the promise of forgiveness of sins, renewal and mercy is totally demonstrated through the passion of Christ. The visible acknowledgement of the coming passion of Christ to start Lent is the cross on the forehead in ashes. On my heart is that mark to enter into a particular consideration of myself within the need to continue to partake of salvation and to confess and to not take forgiveness lightly.
The promise of renewal, of relief in our lives is always kept.
O Jesus, quicken me. O Jesus, rise in me. O Jesus, drink of me.
Easter is coming!
Additional reading and inspiration at Word on Fire
It’s great to see such detailed information. The article shared in great detail what I was looking for.
Glad you found it! Hope you are doing well. Happy 4th of July!
Thank you for the reminder of the reason behind Lent. I have been so busy focusing on the other things, I have forgotten to focus on what really matters. This was a much needed reminder
You’re so right. It is easy to ‘forget’. Blessings, Linda
Such beautiful flowers.
I wasn’t raised in a church that practiced Lent. As I’ve gotten older, I have added some practices that I feel prepare my heart for Easter. This year with all of the sadness and anger on social media, I decided to not engage on Facebook for Lent. I will not like or comment. It has made my time there a bit more enjoyable. I mostly just scroll on through!!