These ladies could not have been more friendly! They were just as excited to be at Haven as Rosemary and I were. Watch Beach Flip on Sunday nights at 9PM to these gals work their renovation magic!
My youngest daughter, Meg and I hit the road to head south to Haven 2015. Nothing outstanding about that. Except it was the first time in years I have driven that far without another driver! 12 hours!
We made it!!
So the first big thing about the trip was connecting with my brother and his family. Meg and their daughter are great friends and had a blast together while I was at Haven with a bunch of fun bloggers.
My take aways
I was eager to reconnect and to make new friends. Rooming again with my cousin Rosemary was wonderful. I love how we connect and catch up so easily. Be sure and visit her at Not Just Paper and Paint.
I love how women who have a common purpose come together to learn and share. Friends are made in a short time over a meal or a project. It was so energizing!
Being around women who are confident in what they do is pretty cool. Purposeful interaction with others who have common goals is down right fun!
This time I decided to get into the fun with all the sponsor photo booth. Here I am with the La-Z-Boy guys decked out in the latest upholstery choices!
I actually took some DIY classes. Last year I fried my brain with too much technical and blogging “how to” information!
My experience with the Ryobi nail gun confirmed what I had known for ages. I cannot hammer a nail straight! Not even with a nail gun! The Ryobi staff did not laugh at me. They smiled encouragement as they helped me with the K cup Crate and Pallet project. It’s crooked. I doubt a K cup will ever fit in.
I managed to miss the sweet spot entirely several times. Pulling the nails out required the efforts of 3 people. Yes, 3 professionals! I had a blast!
Sticking to painting from now on.
I went to the Modern Masters workshop. Joe was super with the explanations on a variety of paint techniques. The silk wallpaper effect with the metallic paints will be perfect for Amy’s room. Seriously, he made us think we could paint anything and make it stunningly beautiful. Can’t wait for my “Spin the Wheel” to win a prize paint arrives!
Amy Howard included some personal stories in her workshop. I just love a good story! My husband and I work with an import furniture company so I was especially interested in the parts that included the furniture business plus the branching out with a paint line.
I am thinking my new fireplace may just need the Amy Howard treatment.
Kirsten shared about the how to’s of newsletters.
Other aspects of blogging I learned was effective use of Facebook and tapping into ad revenue.
Thanks bunches Karianne, Jenna and Laura!
Thanks to the Haven team and attendees for a great conference !
I’d love to hear for you about your experiences with conferences too!
Drop by to visit here
Great post, Linda! I so enjoyed meeting up again and talking – so much fun! It all went by too fast! I hope you have a blessed week! Hugs,
Thanks for including me in your post. Always fun – glad you had a great time. Can’t wait to do it again. But, I think if you practice, you could completely rock that nail gun.
You think??? Have a good day!
What a great recap! It was a pleasure to have met you and to now be following along online! (I noticed I made it into the k-cup picture. LOL!)
Of course! Bet your K cup thing is straight. I just had fun making it and enjoying the company. Following you and excited ot see all those fun posts.
Great post. Glad to know what you were doing these few days.
Having a different kind of fun from you and the girls!