The days are flying by for us. Besides naps in the hammock and trips to the pool solo which are incredible relaxing, we visit with the grandkids who live about 15 minutes away and enjoy our college daughters.

One fun time was Float Nite at the pool. We had hamburgers and hot dogs after the float fun at our house. totally casual with very little planning. After all, we had chips already!
Nancy got the huge ring. I tried to get on but obviously over time I lost my touch. Slid right off!

I pushed, pulled and paddled the kids around. I also bought the big pretzel with cheese sauce for a quick bite to keep up our energy. The pretzels are really big!

Miss O doesn’t like deep water. No sir! Not unless her toes touch even if she is with her daddy.

It may be awhile before we can get her into the big pool and swimming. She is so petite like my mom, Omega.

The assortment of floats added to the fun. Gone are the days of plain lay-on- it float or simple regular sized rings. The alligator was a hit.

The swan was very big. Miss O’s younger brother was not daunted by the water. Rather he was a bit put out he could be off on his own. He’s gonna sink like a rock I predict. If he does it will make it a little tough to learn to swim.

Amy is a guard at the pool. She said it was hard to be on the stand during pool nights so they are extra vigilant. It’s a good thing most younger kiddos have an adult with them. She’s also the one who initiated the fun night for us.
It was a simple outing. Amy went to get us floats. Having extra drivers is a bonus and blessing for impromptu fun. Five Below even blew them up. She barely fit in the driver’s seat once she got the 5 big floats in her car!
TJust like that, Float Nite was over. Time to go! No tears, just happy chatter about what fun we had.
Dinner was quick and ready by the time they finished their showers.
Afterwards we watched “The Sandlot”. Even more laughter! Who wouldn”t laugh at the boys’ antics even if you don’t fully understand baseball.
“You’re killing me Smalls”
It was great low stress outing and movie night for us.
I highly recommend float nites, quick simple dinners and great family movies for summer fun. Sometimes simple and easy is the best of all!
Looks like everyone had a great time! I agree with you, Linda that simple and easy is often the best way to go. Thank you for sharing at Celebrate Your Story!
Thanks for the opportunity. We’re still enjoying summer for 2 more weeks.