The sounds of the band practicing wafts through the air. We can hear them while sitting on the front porch. Traffic of parents dropping of and picking up increases. The stadium is full of activity with cheerleaders, track and football players. Passing the soccer fields show field hockey and soccer players hard at work too..
Signs of summer’s end.
Having supper with both girls is tricky with Amy’s 5 -8 PM cheer practices. Evening fencing lessons start in October for Meg. Figuring out how to adjust for daily connecting is not easy. Hum. Snack then late supper? Once school starts we’ll adjust again because that is what we do. Connecting is very important to us.
The girls are checking the mail in anticipation of their class schedule arriving. FB and text exchanges will be full of discussion of details.
Summer required reading pressure is on to finish. I had to make a quick trip to the book store to get Red Badge of Courage yesterday. All copies were checked out of the library. There is still a need for books, not e-readers in classes that refer to the books. I think that is probably a good thing.
It is a big transition year for me the girls. Both are in high school! Oh my!
Amy leaves for cheer camp next week. Meg is getting in one more amusement park outing with her BFF. Hershey Park website says August is their busiest month.
And the shopping.
There were some shoe and clothing size changes. Thankfully we can wait on new tennis shoes. Whew! Spreading out big ticket items helps. We hit the sales for needed items of clothes and a lunch box. Meg’s was torn and worn out.
Email notices help me monitor sales and coupons for our favorite stores. After pawing through bins and alley shopping for years in China, I don’t get too thrilled with overcrowded bins and racks. Sale shopping works for us very well.
Hopefully, weather will cooperate for a few more days at the pool. Between rain, cool weather and travel we haven’t had too many pool days. Perfect for making s’mores after dinner by the fire pit. Even in the heat, we head out for S’mores when the little girls are here for dinner.
Who would have thought marshmallow, Hershey bars and graham crackers were pantry staples?
Then there is what to pack for lunch…coming up next! Life with all teens is gonna be really different!
How do you get you and your family ready for fall? What’s your plan for family daily time when kids are here and there?
Wow Us Wednesdays A Delightsome Life
Fabulously Creative Friday Grace at Home
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Coffee for Your Heart Hearts for Home
Enjoy the American-ness of it all! Back to school prep for boarding school was a lot different!
I’m sure it was! I actually enjoy all the excitement. Thanks Sally.
I now have two in high school and one starting junior high. Seems times flying. There’s a song playing right now that says days go by I can feel it flying… you better start living right now cause days go by.
Grasp today for all it’s worth!
Laura, you are so right! I do enjoy all the excitement of the last days getting ready. We usually have a fun time. Blessings, Linda
Oh how I miss those days…I used to complain about the hectic schedule of sports and activities…still have a hectic schedule, but of a different kind…miss being with the “joys of youth”…
I do have fun with the girls before those schedule press in. Enjoy your grandbaby! It is a new kind of hectic fun! My 1st one is headed to preschool and I am the one nervous!