We were by our side brick wall for a family photo. It was a sunny fall day. I was remembering and reminiscing back to our children’s early childhoods. We have 5.
How our girls had grown! I remember when they were so tiny, so new to the world…so loved always!
instilling faith
Jim or I sang to all our kids just about every night. We sang song of faith and blessing. Amazing Grace was one that was sung last. That continued to be our practice with our youngest girls years 11 years later.
We continued the practice with songs of His faithful love for our little baby girls who are adopted.
I especially sang Blessed Assurance for them and me. ‘This is my story, this is my song…”
I don’t sing well at all! When I do it is not good. After living in Hong Kong, Will would often hold his ears when I sang to him. He was too used to Auntie Bette’s songs.
Auntie Bette was our Filipino maid who had a voice like an angel. They sang the day away. He ran around with a walkman hooked on his belt. He was 18 months when we left. They watched Psalty and danced.
Jim sang also. He can actually sing. He used to sing show tunes, loudly. He was in the West Point Choir a long time ago. It made us smile. He has voice issues these days from a throat condition.
I am not sure when we stopped singing to the kids. Praying still goes on. Maybe we stopped when they were 4th grade or so. Singng changed into reading bedside.
Some of those early nights I thought I would never get out of their rooms. I miss that.
These days sometimes the girls still here come to us for the hugs and kisses.
Our 5 kids plus one son in law and 3 granddaughters Easter, 2013
You know, I sneak a look at my unmarried children when they are home.
Naps on the couch are a good time too. For a prayer and blessing over them.
When the girls came home as babes, I held them until they slept, nearly every night.
rock to sleep
First there was Amy. I held her and rocked. For her first 6 weeks home at the tender age of 3 1/2 months she was in great pain from an infection. Soon, one Sunday she had healed enough that we could take her out.
That first outing was particularly significant. It was to the early morning International Fellowship’s baptism service and breakfast at the Sheraton. I held her as we stood around the pool watching and praying for those being baptized. She was totally Adorable. Truth is both those girls melted my heart. They still do.
One night I was so tired. Could someone hold her? No, that is your job because
you ARE the mom.
Truth is truth even from a 15 year old boy. Yes, I was and yes, I am. Always.
I sang Blessed Assurance over her and Meg, her sister who came home a year and one month later those early nights. So they would know we loved them and so did He. Always and forever.
Meg was premature and under weight. She had a cleft palate. We had to feed her every 2 hours for weeks. Jim and I took turns through the night. It wasn’t always easy; she was so weak and tiny. every 2 hours, two ounces at least. There was a special bottle for her. We all made it! She began to put on weight and thrive.
We rocked and sang and prayed. Over Meg, Over Amy. Over all our babies. Now, we sing over grandbabies too.
Always ours; always His
Remembering…one of several post about parenting, adoption and faith I have written over the years as a sort of journal. I also write about faith, food, decor, travel, and lifestyle
updated from October 5, 2013
You have a beautiful family, Linda.
They are indeed blessed to have a praying, singing mom!
thanks Veronica, I think so too. So blessed!
Thank you for taking those children and teaching them about Jesus Christ our Savoir, and loving them. I love some of the older hymns and catch myself singing them and trying to remember the words. The bible teaches us to make a joyful sound even though it may not sound to good to us, it is a way to praise our Lord. This blog is a blessing to me and thank you.
Our joy!
I love this! And your family is beautiful! How blessed they are to have a praying, singing mother! Thanks for sharing this post with me.
Loved reading this! You know my parents Rick and Elise Sampson ;). We have also adopted but a little boy from Mongolia :).