As long as there is darkness in this world, we’ll be tempted to disengage or give in to anxiety and fear.
But over and over, Scripture tells us not to fear. As Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27)
In the ebb and flow of my life, I’ve had to work at being spiritually disciplined.

And sometimes, I forget what power there is in this relationship…in Jesus…in the Holy Spirit…in God.

In this world there are so many reasons to be anxious and fearful. And there are so many reason to have faith and Hope. And Trust.

This bedrock truth is what I count on. Buy a house? Face cancer? Launching children? Having children. The list can be endless.
Bedrock truth to count on is certain.

I just need to adjust my focus. You know, like keeping my eyes, my mental and spiritual eyes on Jesus. Eyes open to see His handiwork in my kids and grandkids’ faces and lives, in the sunrise and sunset.

Changes in my own circumstances have been so challenging. That has meant a whole range of emotions of anger, hurt and joy. It’s been a surprise at my advanced age of 70. It has been a season of challenge and growing.

I do wrestle with how to explain this faith I have to others to not give up, to not turn your back on Him. He hasn’t on you.
Maybe I am making it too complicated being hesitant so I don’t say just the right thing. To fail.

Lukewarm faith and mental decisions to not believe are rampant in so many. It’s sad and heartbreaking.
After all the questions and my musings, Habakkuk came to mind. That small book of prophecy tucked in the Old Testament. He rants at God. rants! He questions with demands for answers.

Why are you not taking care of me and my people the way I think you should? Why did you who could have stopped it, let this happen?
The questions asked must resonate with others, just as they do with me. Why God, why?
In the middle of people who don’t believe, who are degenerate, surrounded by the threats of invasion, political danger and fear, the answer comes after Habakkuk rants and complains bitterly. After allowing the rage and venting, God answers. ‘Did you make the world…? NO. I am God.’
Habakkuk faced with God’s answers to his questions, not only acknowledges God is God; he choses to exult Him, praise Him.
It is what brings Hope. God is the I AM. He gives us hope and faithfulness in a faithless world. So I continue to believe with struggles and questions and know I actually can trust.
He is ever present in our time of need.
Yet I will exult in the Lord,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.
Habakkuk 3:18-19
May you be blessed today by His love and mercy.
This is such good encouragement. Thanks for being so open and honest. The world needs lots more of that!
Everything worth doing is hard work and faith is no different. Thanks for this thought provoking post 🙂
True. Thank you for your comments.
Such a beautiful post! I struggle each day and I do have faith in life! I hope and pray gives me inspiration to get by
Some days are more of a struggle. Eye on the prize.
This is so true and a great reminder. Having Faith to rely on in all situations, but especially in trying times, is the only way to make it.
There can be so many hard situations.
Beautiful. ❤️ Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hope yours was too! Thanks for stopping by.