Brilliant colors of freshly cut flowers from our summer gardens are in a bucket of water. Waiting to be selected for an arrangement that the girls are making!

When the girls began to bring the arms full of cut flowers from the 3 gardens we have I was amazed at not only the volume but are the brilliant colors!
Jim outdid himself this year!

It was riotous color of brilliant flowers!
The girls along with Amy cut zinneas from the big garden. She took one with her to the front yard cut hydrangeas plus cut those stems peeking out of theflower garden fence. Their arms were full!
This was after the potato digging and lunch. if you have ever cut flowers from a garden, you know what a treat it can be and even refreshing. We were out in the bright afternoon sun.

After collecting a variety of vases on the patio table, the girls went to work. Amy offered some advice as they worked along side each other as they picked what stems they wanted to use. I had already brought a variety of vases outside. It’s an assortment of jars, florist standard vases, cylinders and small ones that come in sets of 6 -12. vases. It was like a backroom of a florist shop!

I forget there are daisies too. It’s an kind of old fahioned collection of flowers.

Do you see the little one next to the taller arrangement? Don’t overlook the small flowers. Their arrangements can be just as dramatic in their own way.

So what did he plant? Annuals like zinnias in the vegetable garden. He has flowers blooming nearly all year except in the cold months. The rich colored glads come back every year. There are some day lilies and hydrangeas in the front. Dahlias, daisies and sweetheart roses are classics.
The best was sharing all the riotous colorful flowers with my girls and watching them enjoy their beauty.

Riotous flowers with brilliant colors
They took some home. I put the beautiful arrangements all over the house. Should have counted them!

What are your favorite summer blooms?
What pretty flowers! A day surrounded by flowers sounds fantastic.
First – you flowers are absolutely beautiful! Second – this is my first year to put in a cutting garden. Started late due to construction, so I am pinning so I can remember what you planted for next year. Thanks for sharing!
Hope your garden grows well!
Wow! Your gardens must be amazing to produce this many flowers. They are so beautiful, especially the hydrangeas and zinnias. Obviously I’m doing something wrong as I get very little to cut from my garden. I’d love you to write a post on what you plant for your cut flowers.
That’s a good idea. It is my husband’s work and joy.
Love your fresh flower arrangements. I wish I could grow them. I have a black thumb.
Thank you Cara. Zinnias are usually preety easy but on the other hand, grocery store flowers can be afforable and beautiful too.
Oh my goodness, I have the most awful case of garden envy. Your flowers are spectacular and so bountiful. I’ve gone through this post three times now trying to absorb all the goodness. Hurrah for summer flower gardens! xo
Thank you, thank you! I was fairly astonished myself when the girls brought all the cut flowers to the patio.
Oh my goodness, they are all so beautiful. Love all the arrangements.
Oh my goodness is right!
so pretty! I love all the different colors and the shapes! The girls did a great job arranging them! Thanks for sharing!
Love that you grow these beautiful flowers! This is goals for me!
Thanks Jen. These old fashined flowers have endured becasue they are pretty easy to grow. Good luck Witt your endeavors
This is such a great idea! My head is spinning thinking of how to incorporate this into a christmas event for centerpieces! ❤️
You are so creative…it will come to you.
Your flowers are beautiful. The colors are brilliant. You must have a green thumb.
it is my husband’s joy to plant a garden and to include lots of flowers in addtion to vegetables
Well, my husband does… Thanks for commenting.
What a fun activity for the girls to do together. The arrangements that they made are gorgeous!
Linda, your flowers are amazing and the girls did a fabulous job arranging them. You all have really worked hard to have so many blooms. Happy gardening!
Thanks! It was wondeful to see so many all together
Wow – what beauties. The arrangements are so gorgeous.
The girls really enjoyed making them
These are the most incredible flowers!!! How nice to have them in your yard!
It was amazing to see them all together