Easter Sunday gathering
Easter is a glorious occasion. For my family, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Most years we typically are able to spend some time together during this celebratory time.
This year we were able to go to church. Last Easter, it was a cold dreary day with clouds and rain. No church. And no family coming together. We did drive over to Nancy’s house and left some surprises on the front stoop and sat on the edge of the yard when they came out, shouting at each other. It was better than nothing.
This year they came to our house for the day! Our other kids and their families weren’t able to come.

easter morning

When I walked in the dining room early Easter morning, I found this beautiful white lily for me…the traditional flower representing the resurrection of Christ. Surprised by Meg with this gift of love!
We had set the table the night before. She added her Easter gift of small plants for each child and one for Nancy and Nathan. Meg said it reminded her of Easter since it is the season of new life!

let the laughter begin
The weather was so delightful we actually ate our lunch of nachos outside. Then the egg hunt and ‘chase the basket’ began! Any excuse for a race and running.

What a joy to be outside on this glorious sunny day!

After lunch, yard games and egg hunting, we took a break inside, watching ‘Escape to the Chateau’. The kids requested it. They love that show. Jim taught Emma a new board game. It’s an old one he still has from his childhood.

I’m pretty sure there was some napping going on too.
Egg dying
Meg left for work. Dinner was planned after she got home. How did we fill the time?
Egg dying naturally!

Boiling the eggs was so easy because I used my DASH egg cooker. Best little appliance ever for making eggs of all type. You don’t even need a timer. It beeps loudly when ready.

I checked with Nancy to make sure she wouldn’t mind if the egg whites had a little color after dying. She did not. See the little plastic measuring cup. The end has a sharp point to pierce the top of the egg prior to boiling in the DASH where the dye might seep in.
There are other ways we have eggs cooked in this handy appliance. Jim and I enjoy the perfectly soft boiled eggs we make for breakfast. The DASH can cook up to 6 eggs at a time; there is also a larger capacity.
Easter evening activities

Dinner was typical with ham as the main dish. Spring asparagus with melted Parmesan cheese slivers, easy baked potatoes, 7 layer salad and hot rolls with butter were excellent sides.

Each place had a little card and chocolate egg. Meg’s plants were a hit with everyone.
After lively conversation, seconds and a quick clean up, the game Settlers came out. later as everyone was getting to leave, Jim realized we didn’t have dessert! Oh no!
No problem. The apple pie and ice cream was tummy. Two of the girls spent the night.
good morning girls!

We had French toast for breakfast. It is easy to make and to show them how to prepare it. That took just a few minutes and they were pros. When Meg came down, they make hers!
I could hear their happy chatter as they planned their morning together. Shopping!

Times togehter are wonderful. We all had a good day.
How was your Easter? Hopefully it was a happy one.
Go quickly and tell his disciples: The Lord is risen, alleluia. Matthew 28:7
This looks like such a fun gathering. Is that forsythia all along the border of your yard? So vibrant and pretty.
It is forsythia!
So glad you were able to get togeher – at least part of you. Looked like a great day.
thankful for every time
Glad you were able to go to church! We celebrated the family at home outside celebration.
Just being able to celebrate is a blessing
How lovely that you were able to get together with family! We weren’t able to this year; we’re going back into lockdown again today, but there’s always hope for next year 🙂
hope it is over soon
That sounds like a great day making memories with family.
each time is such a blessing
What a wonderful Family filled weekend. God Bless you all.
thank you Brooke
It’s so lovely when you can get your family together for a special occasion. I managed to get mine all together this year too. Love your table.
It sounds like you had an amazing Easter weekend, Linda! So happy to hear that.
We did. Hope you did as well.
Linda how beautiful. God bless you and your sweet family.
Thank you Deana
What a special way to celebrate Easter. This is the true meaning of Easter. Thanks for sharing.
so true!