Do you ever just need to dance?
Stand up and cheer but didn’t because it would be seen as unseemly or silly?
Express your joy and pleasure with life?
My Sweet Pea danced on the streets with her new friend, the mom of my son’s fiance, Kathy. They both just danced. Right there on the street! I watching with a full heart. The freedom to dance.
May she never lose it.
When do we lose that urge or willingness to express joy through dancing. Through laughter and twirling.
I know a woman who lost it in her childhood. She is twirling with her grandchildren today for all those days she missed because she has healed and knows His joy today.
I lost it in rules and fear of condemnation. I found it again but sometimes I hide it. Worship can bring out the joy that can cause a person to dance in their hearts or whatever is good …
Dancing in the streets with the joy of our salvation. Not dancing to the beat but to the joy.
I am thinking dancing should start before we get to heaven….just a thought. I don’t want to be the older son who could have been dancing all that time and didn’t. It is not who I want to be be…a cranky, work only nondancing woman. I want to be one who celebrates with joy. Who lives with joy….that shows!
“Now his older son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. Luke 15:25
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Revised & originally posted on June 3, 2013 by omega57 at WP.com blog
What an adorable photo! YES, I need to dance more. I have so many reasons to break out in joyful dancing! Thanks for linking up with the Weekend Brew!
Oh Linda, I love this. when do they lose it? a counselor once told me to watch a 3 year old any chance I got. A three year old is more fully herself than she will ever be again in her life. They believe you love them, will love anything they bring to you and that what they love and think is good. I saw that – my 3 yeard old grandson always said purple was his favorite color — until his older brother at some point told him that was a girl’s color! A little thing, a “picture” of what the counselor said.
I still have a 2 1/2 year old to watch for a while. i am eating it up!!!!
coming here from a scripture and a snapshot.
Dancing wiht them is so freeing! And so sweet. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings, Linda
Absolutely adorable joy!
Such a lovely twirling dance! What delight God must feel watching the two of you dance! Thanks for the reminder to dance now! visiting from still saturday
Thank you for visiting and your kind comments. Don’t forget to dance. Linda
Oh, I LOVE that photo of your sweet pea! So darling. And your words here, so true and lovely. Thanks, Linda for sharing these… and for stopping by my place for a bit of “dance” too… 🙂
Happy to visit! Blessings, Linda
Back at you! Hope your dancing is joyful!
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance! God has blessed my husband and me with a dance ministry in which we dance to Christian songs and themes to mostly secular audiences.
Thanks for the lovely post & God bless!
thanks for checking it out. That’s wonderful that you have that great ministry! Bleesing.
Dance is a wonderful way to exude joy. I’ve heard of people who were not allowed to dance because of their religion. That is sad!
That is true. They are missing out. Blessings.
I love this, true joy in a child, may we all do this.