Gift wrapping can be fun and definitely creative!

My mom was always a creative at wrapping gifts even in the early lean years. She was not only mom but also mentor for me in so many ways.
When I first worked at a high end boutique after college before graduate school, I wrapped a present. It was part of what made our store a special place to shop. The manager showed me how to make the present look even sharper. Make sharp creases around all the edges. The end pieces need also get the sharp crease treatment. It does make the present look better.
She was right! It does look better.
a wrapping station
Let’s look first at setting up your wrapping station. Why do you need that?
One place to gather gifts, supplies with a flat space to work on! Usually, we have ours in a room not being used or in our gallery hall. I like to find a space we can leave it out for more that the initial few hours.

Wrapping presents during the Christmas season can be stressful If you are like me, disorganized!
Where did I put that present I got for Meg? Where is the tape? This litany can go on and on. Having it all in one spot is so nice when wrapping.
Tools to include
- Have several pairs of SHARP scissors!
- Two sided tape is helpful
- Have several rolls of tape

Select a space that won’t leave you achey after wrapping! One year the girls and I wrapped standing at the kitchen counter in Rob and Jess’s finished basement. Amazingly, my back didn’t hurt after. Lesson learned!
Looking Pretty

Don’t you like the fabric ribbons? I collect them through out the year when I find colors and designs I like on sale.
Buy wrapping paper, tags and ribbon that is coordinated and repeat the main colors I use year to year. There is little waste because the leftovers fit seamlessly into the themes.
Also, use your imagination! Adding tiny bells or plastic ornaments when wrapping adds and gives variety for the presents.
Taking the time with wrapping gifts also tells the person you care enough to take the time to not only wrap the gift but slso to make it extra special.

Don’t be afraid to use ribbon with designs or big colorful tags. I use tags. There are just too any of us to trust me being able remember. Plus I am not the only person wrapping!
why it matters to me
I love a pretty gift! Aways have.It became even more important as we settled in to our new life overseas. That first Christmas in China wasn’t always easy. We have spent many Christmas far from grandparnts and other family. But we were so far away. It was a little sad some days. Jim amd I put more effort than usual in keeping tradtions and starting new ones is significant.
Will, a fifth grader at the time, and I went to the open air street market across the street from our apartment complex.
We picked a theme based on what we saw that was available. Kraft paper, red and green it was!
Ribbon was plentiful in the markets and so cheap! Fabric ribbon with a variety of widths, colors and materials. We had glittery, metallic, with and without wire, and satins. Talk about fun shopping! It’s a heart memory. No photos. Just that time with the son we call the ‘holiday kid’!
Our gifts looked pretty under our tree that first year. It felt more like we were home!

variety for beauty and creativity
These pretty gifts are from previous years.
Black was added when I added two new wreaths with black buffalo checked bows and new tablecloths.

One tree always had traditional reds, greens and white with a farmhouse theme. What else would we have? We live in a 220 years old actual farmhouse!
We usually have a second tree. They are decorated in mostly newer ornaments that aren’t used on our traditional ‘family’ tree. I’ve used pastels, brass ornaments collected from travel destinations or with a main color theme.
Here are a few supplies I bought for this year. Touches of green silver sparkles deep green velvet ribbon and black too!

Closer to Christmas we will wrap fro this year. Experience has taught me if I want particular colors and style for my wrapping theme, I need to buy it when I see it!

Wrapping for you this year I hope is fun and brings you joy as you make that gift for family or friend with touches of love and beauty!

There are affilate links in this post. If you make a purchase through them I may recieve a small commision at no extra cost to you. The items may not be exactly the same but are similar. Additionally there maybe other items that would be great options! Thanks for any purchases you make through these links.
I share your sentiment on wrapping gifts. The outside needs to match the thoughtfulness of the content.
Details matter!