Nearly every morning, on the drive to and from school we are treated to an expansive view of the wonder of creation.
It is a reminder every morning rain or shine, He is alive and loves me. He is faithful.
His attributes are evident in creation. To name a few, faithful, trustworthy, loving, orderly, mighty.
When I see the sky morning by morning, it does remind me gives me hope, the hope He offers to me and you.
I see the certainty of His love and His sovereignty. His Son, Jesus holds it all together you know.
“And He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17
There are names for these forces like gravity. The study of the earth and its science to gain understanding does not undemine the truth of His creation and that in His Son all things are held together.
Some days I see the expanse and I am in awe. Others, I am in hope.
If there seems to be a day or time of chaos or uncertainty, it is a visible reminder of His presence and His power. If I am struggling with difficult times or despair and frustrations, His mercies and His compassion and love help me and give me hope for the days ahead and for the future. A quote from Corrie Ten Boom, a woman of greeat steadfastness who suffered greatly says it this way,
“Look around and be distressed. Look inside and be depressed. Look at Jesus (our Hope) and be at rest.”
Gosh, so much more could be said, could be learned from just looking at the sky each morning. Maybe it seems too simple, but this morning, this is what I am encouraged by.
Linda, thank you for those encouraging words! Great is His Faithfulness! Blessings, Pam