Good Morning! Hope you had a wonderful Memorial weekend. We did with my daughter and her family. The weather cooperated and it was simply beautiful!Now, after a weekend, I often make appointments, pay bills and write notes!
Did you use to notes and send cards to friends and family? Maybe you wrote to a pen pal or missionary frequently. Does your spirit get a little lift when you go to the mailbox and there was an envelope addressed you? It seems to be a lost art.
Gradually, the computer has replaced handwritten notes and letters. The expanse of the separation our family had for years we made full use of technology to communicate to Iraq, Germany. East Asia and the states as we lived on three continents. I am grateful for the electronic communication we were able to use during those years and today too!
We still sent some handwritten notes to our kids because there is just something extra caring about handwritten notes!
Here’s examples we have done over the years. Our son started West Point more than a decade ago and went through the initial 6 weeks of military training, the girls drew pictures and I wrote notes. It was. a daily ritual to mail something everyday. Yes, every day. Our girls were away at school Jim sent a handwritten note every week. I would send a greeting card occasionally. The girls and I texted and called each other a lot.
Now, most of the notes I write go to grandkids and friends.

Jim really likes postcards to mail when we travel back to family. These on the fridge are from Amy to her dad when she was studying abroad before she came home early due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Maybe you’re like me and have have cards on hand for different occasions, holidays and events. I do, Some of those cards are also just to say hello, thinking of you. The stash is smaller today. I’ve been sending them out with short notes and a Bible verse to my local ministry partner friends. We text but I just wanted to do something a little more personal. It’s the time for high school graduations. We had 2 family friends reach that important milestone. Yes, I got the cards to mail congradulations from the stash.

Flats have been my favorite type of notecard for years. Going through the secretary where I keep writing materials, there weren’t any so I ordered personalized ones from vendors on Amazon. One was from fairmont & grove Paper Co. The other from iDesign by Kathy. Classically simple.

Here are a few other choices. Crane Stationary has beautiful classic designs and options. The quality is excellent and the price reflects that. Minted has a wide selection of designs from simple to beautiful art that borders each card. Stationary Express has a large selections too. I haven’t used them but the choices are large so I included it. (I’m not an affiliate for any of these vendors.)

I still use texts and emails are wonderful. But there is just something about a handwritten note thatI find sends an extra special greeting. In these extraordinary times, it just seemed like a good thing to do.
Hope you are having good day!
That’s one of those things that I say I am going to do and don’t. I love getting notes and cards.
Out of practice these days of SM
I am an aged care nurse and our residents still get letters and cards. It is so lovely to see how their faces light up when they get one, and love it when we read it to them.
A tangible act of caring
I do still appreciate getting handwritten notes and cards!
I do too
I am a paper fanatic and would love to bring back old fashioned letter writing. XX
People still love the personal touch
This is great! I just sat down to send graduation cards for my daughter and realized my handwriting is out of whack! We use our computers so much that your hands do not get the exercise they once did we hand wrote everything. Thanks for the card company links!
I have trouble with the very few check I have to write occasionally