This past week the word for Advent was
Was there a time when hope is not needed? Never.
It was hard week for our son who received word one of his close friends was in a severe car accident. It was a shock. Kyle is still not breathing on his own after 2 surgeries. He has feeling in his legs but future function is in question.
We are praying for Kyle and our son who is understandably shaken and concerned.
How fleeting life can be.
I made it to my weekly study after several weeks of absence. Lingering “crud” kept me away. It was the week for the video and our teacher was with her son at a regional hospital for a consult regarding treatments and possible surgery.
We had an extended time of prayer. As many of us shared the heavy concerns we had for family and friends that included surgeries, wrecks, illnesses and unexpected deaths of young and old, I knew I needed hope.
Daily Jim and I pray for friends with ill parents, dealing with loss pf loved ones. Friends who have cancer. Not to lament but to
When surrounded by dire worldly events of harsh deaths, wars and rumors of wars,
is there. Not despair.
is the promise of Advent. Of Christmas.
The coming of Christ gives
to a lost and broken people with the promise of a future with Him.
Now that is a reason to live.
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Jesus is our hope and He is hope to a lost, dying and hurting world. I am saying a prayer for your son’s friend tonight. Asking the God of hope to bring healing. Thank you for joining the Weekend Brew community.
Thank you for your prayers for Kyle. So thankful for His Hope. Linda