intoductions to stress buster verses
Philippians 4:5-13 are favorites of mine. These verses are what I often call stress busters! Bolsters to hearten and encourage us in our daily living or during difficulties.
Verses I repeat in whispers to calm my spirit.
calmness of spirit
Calmness of spirit was the phrase that really caught my attention as our speaker at the retreat shared her message.
We were going to learn more about cultivating calmness of spirit.
Cultivating calmness of spirit
When he husband died unexpectedly, she was left a widow. They were living in a foreign country filled with violence and unrest with their 2 young children. I couldn’t really imagine what she had to deal with or what she was going through.
As the word went out about her situation, many prayed. She felt their prayers as she relied on God and his promises.
During this time, the verses she repeated and practice were from Philippians 4:5-13. She described how God was both teaching her and giving her a calmness of spirit.
Calmness transcends understanding

A serenity, a calm that I can’t explain was evident as she spoke and shared about being blessed by those who prayed for her and family then and over the years.
She is a graceful and gentle woman who walked what she talked.
Not only did she tell us, she lived it out before us with the peace of God which transcends all understanding.
She had calmness of spirit that came from her surety of knowing God.
verses to encourage Calmness of spirit

These verses from Philippians are what I often call stress busters! They are bolsters to hearten and encourage us in our daily living and during difficulties. Verses I repeat in whispers to calm my spirit.
What is obvious in these words?
~ Not only be gentle; let others see that.
~ Pray with thanksgiving in every situation. Guaranteed to calm your inner stress, your rising panic. The feelng of being overwhelmed. To calm your attitude during the day.
~ Results? His peace. Contentment. Guarded heart.
~ Continue to practice. This deep interaction with God is ongoing. Like a child who needs her mother, her parents, we are the same.
~ How to do this? Practice and our hearts will; be guarded. Additionally, we will learn the secret of contentment and we can do that because He gives me strength.
Our circumstances may not be changed but our attitude will be and our dependency on God will grow as will our faith.

Our circumstances may not be changed but our attitude will be and our dependency on God will grow as our faith does.
And that may not answer all your questions or change any circumstances but there will be a calmness of spirit.
It’s always good to hear words of encouragement to maybe make us pause for just a moment. In this crazy, busy world, you never know when tht moment will make a difference.
Moments to breath are a good practice.
Just discussed Philippians 4:6-9 with how 1 Peter 5:7 and Matthew 6:25-34 relate.
Calmness of spirit comes most often when my emotional focus is taken off of the anxiety producing circumstance and is clearly fixed on my trustworthy, loving Father and the evidence He surrounds me with of that sustaining care.
Still amazed when God’s word weaves togther for us a pattern for life with a peaceful heart.
Peace and calm go with my word for the year, Simpilicity. Working towards that end.