Meg with her niece
Have you ever seen Jesus? I have. I saw Him on the streets of a busy city in Asia as my daughter sat on nasty sidewalks. Meg was fearless as she sat next to cast off beggar women. Not clean and needy. They touched her and she touched back. She touches people who don’t get touched.
I saw Jesus on that sidewalk as she touched the untouchable. They would smile. Meg smiled.
Meg is kind, gentle and compassionate. She put on Christ.
She has a tender heart with compassion.
She hugs and is gentle with her nieces. She will get band-aides and tenderly tend to them. Meg is compassionate.
She puts on Jesus. She is being transformed into Christ likeness.
I am challenged by her. To put on the attributes and heart of Christ. Until it is part of my routine and I feel undressed without it. Every day.
So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience… Colossians 3:12
blessings, linda
linking here
What a sweet story! It’s such a blessing to see gentleness in those close to us. Best, ~Angela~
Thanks for the visit Angela. Hope you find gentleness today. Linda
We can learn so much from our children, can’t we? Such a beautiful image you give us here.
I learn so much from them if I take the time to observe dn listen! True for most moms I think. Thanks for the visit. Blessings, linda
How precious. We can certainly learn a lot from the heart of compassion of a child. Thanks for linking up with The Weekend Brew!
you’re welcome Barbie, THnaks for the visit! HAve a good day.
Hi there,
Thanks so much for linking to Sunday Stillness. I am following you from Scripture and a Snapshot. What a beautiful post and a beautiful daughter. Why do we lose that natural loving tendency as we grow older. So happy that you and your daughter are being and seeing Christ.
Blessing to you today as you follow Jesus,
Janis, Thank you! This is how my youngest daughters keep me young. Blessings, Linda