And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
You know it is spring when the quick storms come through in the late afternoons with high winds and beautiful colors in the skies afterwards.
We had pink. It was th same color as the weeping cherry willow tree blossoms. The air was so crisp and clear. The color was soothing, bringing peace.
Sometimes, peace can be stillness in Him. Maybe like yesterday there was no storm in my life. Watching the sky change as the storm came and went was not merely a reminder of His strength and creation; it was a reminder of Him alone. And it was good.
The LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:25-26
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Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! You live in the Pacific NW, too? Awesome! The tulips were beautiful this year up in the Skagit Valley! Nice to “meet” you!!
Right back at you! We don’t live there but dear friends do. It is so beautiful! That day with the tulips was such fun for our families! We got to see Mt Rainier at sunset that night while eating dinner.
These photos and colors are amazing! Did you take these or find them somewhere?!
Have a great week,
Jennifer Dougan
I agree. They were exactly what I hoped for when I took them never dreaming the colors would show so well. I took them with my 6 year old Canon power shot set on automatic! It was late afternoon after a storm. Thanks for stopping by.
Beautiful pictures and scripture! I love the springtime and God’s faithful promises of everything blooming and recreating!
Have a blessed week!
Spring is a season of renewal and reminders for sure! Have a blessed week yourself.
So lovely! I love that God laid weeping cherry blossoms on both on our hearts this week! Thanks so much for visiting & commenting on Saved by Grace!
God bless,
Thank you. Exactly what I thought. Hope you had a good and will have a wonderful week. Blessings, Linda
Such a beautiful shades of pink. Isn’t God just a master painter?
How true!! The other side of the yard had a golden color over the daffodils! It was so beautiful.
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks Marsha. It was a beautiful sight!