What does that bring to mind?
“Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.”
What an attention grabber! Add some great voice inflection of anticipation and I am hooked!
So why don’t I when He tells me to listen, listen Linda…
Listen Linda, I want you to hear my whispers to your heart.
Listen my daughter, I love you. I have great things for you, even at this late decade of your life.
Listen my dear for my peace.
Listen to my truths.
Gosh with sweet somethings like that why would I ever listen to soul withering lies?
I do not know but I do.
Do I listen well to my loved ones? No. I miss details, I miss the whole conversation.
I miss their hearts.
God always listens.
Listen, sh, just listen…quiet now. Are you listening because I have heard you and now listen. Sh, don’t fret or worry.
Listen, Listen to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Isaiah 55:2b
blessing, linda
Lovely, Linda. I could feel my spirit slow to hear as I read. Thank you, friend.
Listen…in today’s busy, Internet always available world, we need that reminder. It seems we too often neglect finding that quiet place to listen to His still, small voice. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh, it’s so hard to listen when I’m the one doing all the talking. It’s nice to be still and listen to your voice. In the quiet, I hear His as well. Thanks for sharing this, Linda.