Fall is in the air. Bin of pumpkins and rows are lined up are seen at every farm stand. The chrysanthemums are beginning to bloom in the yard. We are wearing long sleeves and hoodies.
I will take the road less traveled sometimes on my way home from Nancy’s. I pass fields and clotheslines full of laundry. The houses are spaced far apart. It is a slice of Americana between the busy thoroughfare of Burger King and car dealers to the cross road to the main highway and over the bridge to the Kellogg’s plant.
It is peace. There is a farmer’s greenhouse with plants and flowers on the left. Just around the curve on the edge of the field, there is a row of sturdy sunflowers. Their yellow and brown heads are not flopping from their own weight. They are minis comparatively speaking!
That sight brings back a fun memory of one fine September day in a huge East Asia city.
You can tell it is almost officially fall. The farm season does not always follow the calendar though. We know it is fall because the sunflower heads are in the market…at the park, coming down the street in a three wheeler. Those giant heads full of seeds are everywhere. The love gals pluck the seeds out and enjoy the fun of it! They crack open the shells and spit them out and eat. This is nothing like the snack my son insisted on having for every baseball gamewhen he played or watched. (I never quite got that.) And now, just like her brothers, Meg likes them too. I never have convinced her to select the bag of shelled seeds. (from previous post)
See the lady on the three wheeler bike with a bed coming up behind us. After Amy took this picture I turned looking at her bed full of produce and pointed, “Look sunflowers!”
She saw me and quickly maneuvered through the traffic to bring her “booth” to us!
Her cart was a feast of colors and textures. Autumn apples and giant sunflower heads! You just picked the seeds and eat them just like from a bags at a ballgame.
It must have been a bountiful harvest.
With our giant sunflower head in hand, we went for our cafe visit for smoothies and coffee specialities. A quiet break from our homeschool day.
Yes, fall is here!
Hope you are enjoying the special things of fall? What are those unique things done in your area that you love about fall?
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A Little Bird Told Me Link Party
Absolutely charming-these are awesome! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
Thanks Kathy. Hope your day is a wonderful one! Linda
Beautiful photos! Love me some sunflowers! 🙂
Thanks Tania, Have a good Friday! Linda
Oh my goodness! I am embarrassed to admit that I never really thought about sunflower seeds actually coming from a sunflower head! Holy cow, amazing !!! Gorgeous photos and produce!
I’m not sure I had either! These things were massive!Just dried ready to eat. Thanks for visiting! Linda