The Smell of Freedom
Dear Freedom Loving People,
I have posted this before. I love this expression of freedom. It is a word picture of sorts to express
I’ve shared this story several times now. From a mother’s heart, it meant a lot.
He was home from Iraq, from war. My son, Robert completed his years of service in the US Army including 2 tours in war-torn Iraq. He was safe.
One story
We were at the local Hallmark store.
He passed in front of a display for
“A Freedom Holiday”
on the 4th of July
Rob popped the lid off of the Yankee candle that was layered red, white and blue. ”What are you doing? ” I asked.
Of course I knew; he was smelling it.
I’ll never forget his response.
“It’s Freedom. I wanted to know what freedom smells like.”
Deep sniff.
“Well, does it smell good?”
“Yep, yep it does.”
West Point Old Barracks. Uniform unchanged. Traditions alive and strong.
“Duty, Honor and Country”
why serve?
And that is why he and thousands of other men and women serve us by serving in the Armed Forces. They like the smell of freedom. Their mission, their oath is to serve and ‘defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic’ so we can keep smelling freedom too.
love the smell of freedom
We have lived in a country when freedom isn’t a part of their lives. It does not “smell” the same. These men and women serve in the hope others can know the smell of freedom too.
I don’t know exactly how to eplain it, that difference. Being home is part of it.
Thanks to all of the past and present service members of our country’s Armed Forces.
Linda, the smell of freedom sadly is something that so many take for granted. Your service and that of your husband, as well as that of my brother and so many others is what makes America a wonderful place to live and a place that so many want to experience. Thank you for sharing this.