It is a good thing to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to your Name, O Most High; To tell of your loving-kindness early in the morning and of your faithfulness in the night season. Psalm 92:1-2
simple reminder
I woke up before the rest of the house. It was snowing. Big heavy white flakes. A beautiful sight. I wasn’t thinking about the shoveling to come. My only thought was of the serene feeling that came over me.
This is a verse today from Divine Hours. My husband and I have used this devotional book for years to begin our day.
To tell of your loving kindness early in the morning….

loving kindness
Did you know the Hebrew word for His loving kindness is Hesed. Like many words from Scripture the meaning is so much more that our English words can express fully.
Steadfast love. Mercy. Faithfulness. Trustworthiness. Loyal. Unmerited love.
It is the steadfast unmerited unfailing love and mercy God gives us every day consistantly. It is infused with compassion. It is as if this meaning packed phrase encompasses all of the perfection of God. His unchanging character is something to be counted on! And that is why He is worthy of praise and of worship. He is totally dependable to be true to His character always.
That is reason enough to give Him thanks every day. If He has loving kindness toward us with us, how would that impact how I am toward other people? One obvious way is to be kind. A favorite verse came to mind.
He has told you, mortal one, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
worth the effort
Being kind seems so simple. It isn’t just a catch all phrase ‘Be Kind’ but some times it really can be an effort. So worth it! How have you been showing kindness?
Oh how I LOVE this post. Beautiful. His Hesed endures forever!
So thankful for that truth!
Beautiful! The world definitely needs more Jesus.
Blessings to you.