My first glimpse of the Guggenheim was unexpected. It was both awe inspiring and a surprise. It was small! It’s a small but magnificent building. Stark white set on a corner of an old exclusive area set across the street from Central Park was not what I expected. But for the exceptional daring design, it would merely be a small…
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NYC Day Trip
If you give a grandchild a book with a close location as the setting and promise to take her…that day may come on a very cold one! Two years ago Jim gave Mary her Christmas Eve book. It is a family tradition to exchange books on Christmas Eve to read after we snuggle under the covers on that magical night….
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Fancy Mashed Potato Casserole
Do you just want to kick up a typical meal up a notch to make it extra special? It’s so easy just prepare the same routine meal. Of course, it is for ease and planning in our busy days. Isn’t that why we have Taco Tuesday and Fajita Fridays? Growing up, it was always Hamburger Saturday and eventually was…
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Friday Lunch with Elegance
HI! Taco Soup for lunch today with our daughter and her two youngest kiddos. It doesn’t sound all that elegant, does it? Between my hopscotch busy and her full schedule with 5 kids, well, we take time when we can. Recently, I admit; I’ve been lazy about setting our table nicely. It only takes minutes. I have no excuse. This…
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Kitchen Winter Warmth
My kitchen was feeling a little dark and empty. After having family and friends during the holidays filling it up with love and delicious smells being in there was a little empty feeling. I like a homey warm feeling kitchen but right now, I don’t have the inclination or time for a total re-do! Our Amy is leaving Monday for…
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