At our house we have the renovation blues!
The closet doors are 2 weeks late. TWO weeks!

Window seat and extra shelving for Meg’s room
The custom made doors were not painted as ordered. We just got a call that the paint job was not satisfactory; one more coat will be applied. I am so glad our contractors have high standards.
Thursday the girls’ closet doors should be here.
Last week was a long one. There were self imposed time outs for all of us one day when it was all too much. Tension over “stuff”, literal stuff that was creeping out of the confined area into the hall spilled over to us. Late doors. Unsettled and messy home. We had it.
The renovation is at a stand still.

Lots of closet space for Amy
Through it all, I remind myself how very fortunate we are to have a house to renovate. To be able to renovate. To think of how my creativity will be put to a challenge that I actually will throughly enjoy!
Good attitude and a realistic perspective is so important in renovations!
And in everyday living!
Eventually it will be done. We are just a mere 2 plus weeks behind. Typical I think.
What are your renovation stories? renovation blues? Share with us.
I would love to read about them!
Come by soon for another visit!
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Thank you for visiting my blog this morning. We do most of our own renovations however because of our age and arthritis, we decided to hire professionals(tisk, tisk) to install our floors. BIG MISTAKE! The inspectors are coming Saturday to see why they “snack, crackle & pop!” Yes, just like the cereal! I think there are fun times ahead or not!
I have put you on my feed so will be back soon. I love decorating and renovations so I def will be following you. Thank you for your visit and comment.
Our renovation was so major we hired it out Though the doors were late, late, everything else has gone well. Hope your floor issues are resolved soon. Thanks for putting me on your feed. Linda
My heart goes out to you, dear one!!!
Life is stress filled enough without construction delays!!!
My only renovation “stories” are that as “Mr. Ed” and I pass
each new birthday, we find that our “timetable” as to how
long it will take us to complete our tasks grows l o n g e r!!!
Breathe, exhale. . .and stay focused on the completion!!!
Looking forward to coming back and seeing the finished product! I don’t have a renovation blues story, but can share a building story with you. When we built our first house, our lease for our apartment was up and we moved in with my parents for a couple of weeks while they finished building our home. The couple of weeks turned into a couple of months due to building delays. We were also in the full swing of fertility treatments. Fertility treatment waits for no man and no unfinished house! Let’s just say it was a little awkward at times!!
Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse
We’ve had a few of those crazy moving times but none like yours! Took look back on your blog. Like the “It’s a Wonderful Life” family photo! have a good weekend.
As in most things in life, the waiting can be painful but the rewards are wonderful!
It is so very true and so easy to forget.
Thanks for visiting my Kentucky living. Good luck with your renovations. Sheila
We are getting closer! Yay!