Words written centuries ago. Words of encouragement to the church.
Valid words today. Words written to You, graciously but no less directive.
Over the past few weeks, our pastors have been presenting a series on unity, essentials and distinctive of the Christian faith. Today the topic was unity with diversity. These were the main verses, Romans 15:5-6.
Harmony was the eye-catching, mind provoking word for me. Through different churches, styles and denominations and non denominations I have heard many opinions. Sometimes it was an honest conversation without disharmony. Other times, well, the words ungracious and hard-headed come to mind.
Sometimes in our home there have been conversations of the robust nature that did not promote harmony in our home or between each other. Not good. Not Christ like. I left contemplating what does it mean to live in harmony, in accord with Jesus Christ.
What does it take? A lot of grace and listening. A lot of slow to speak. And maybe gentle silence. A lot of being self-control, kindness and my own peace…a lot of self-discipline and with
the God of endurance and encouragement granting to me to
live in such HARMONY
with one another, in accord with Jesus Christ.
A challenge for transformation into Christ likeness for today, everyday for me during this coming week.
This is beautiful, Linda! Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper last week. So glad I stopped by—even tho’ late—to be encouraged by your post. Blessings!
Hi Linda, thanks for these words. A lot of slow to speak, and maybe gentle silence… yes. Those resonate with me so deeply. Blessed by you tonight. {Stopping over somewhat belatedly from Lisha’s place.}
What does it take? Grace! Grace! and some more Grace!!! 🙂
So true! Linda
Harmony is something I really have to work at in my home. It does take a lot of patience, and grace and forgiveness. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Brew!
Oh boy, doesn’t it! Being gracious is maybe the hardest some days!
So grateful for you, friend! XO
Thanks for your words of encouragement Holley. Always know I’ll be enocuraged in some way when I read your words.
Harmony…what a word that we all need, home, church, work place. I’ve been working on harmony with my daughter, trying to avoid arguments between two women. I’ve gotten better at it lately. Good thoughts! I scrolled down a couple posts….love that old house. 216 yrs old. wow! I’m sure it’s got alot of stories if it could talk. We play Settlers of Catan as well! Sometimes when family get together that’s what we do in the afternoon. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my post! Have a good week!
You have a good week too! Daughters…love them so much, have struggles some days with fully adjusting to them all being older & not in need of my constant advice! Thanks for the visit! Have a good rest of the week.
Visting you from Coffe for your Heart tis week. Truly Lovely.
Thanks for the visit. Have a good week.
Indeed – & to be able to see others as God sees them. “Things” as well I guess; since it help sort out the important from the not important!
Yes, to see people as He does and figuring how to prioritize keeps us on out toes so to speak. Still often recall Beth’s example as a mom. A influencer over the years. Thanks.