This is the first week of Advent. It concludes Christmas Eve.

Have you started decorating? Me? Barely.
Have you started shopping? A little.
Week recap
Honestly, I am behind. We usually decorate Friday after Thanksgiving. Instead, after putting away Thanksgiving decorations and dishes with the help of Rob and Jess, we just relaxed. Even the little boys helped by carrying pumpkins to the garden for composting.
What I am really missing is our Advent wreath. I hope to find it first when we go to the attic. Our week is already full with appointments of all sorts. Having a wreath with candles or a calendar is the physical reminder to prepare our hearts for His Coming.
Before we do anything, some cleaning is in order, I started that early this morning. The kitchen floor will need another clean. We had family and three dogs here. Definitely needs another mopping!
I am also sharing a little about my extra special birthday last weekend.
Thanksgiving day

The younger grandkids gathered around as Nathan played the piano. Of course they all wanted a turn!
Were you like me and thought I had another week before it was time to focus on Chrtimas? Over the weekend, we forgot what day it was! Jessica was so excited to know it was Saturday, not Sunday! Whew! Another day to get ready for returning to work and routine with kids.
This was the year for all 17 of our children and their families to be together for Thanksgiving. Our tables were full at Nancy’s house. She hosted this year. Two of the kids and their familes will be traveling at Christmas to their spouses’ families. We’ll have 8 around our tree.
We may just have started a new Thanksgiving morning tradition. Mimosas and Macy’s Day’s Parade watching! That’s an add from aHailey, our daughter in law. I sipped mine as I chopped celery for My Mom’s Traditional Cornbread Dressing. It turned out great by the way. It was my contribution to the meal.

Jim volunteered to bring cranberry sauce. He bought it before there was a run on it. On Tuesday for some pre-Thanksgiving grocery shopping, I witnessed people on their hands and knees sweeping the far reaches of the bottom shelf for a can or two. All the Ocean Spray was gone but there were other brands. Hope they got some! Amazingly, though the store was busy, everyone was considerated and not pushy.
Amy made stuffed mushrooms and mac and cheese. Meg’s dish was our tradtional strawberry pretzel salad.
pie TYRANNY lives on!

The pies were delicious. Robert and his kids had pie for breakfast Thanksgiving morning, You may recall, he is the one who declared Pie Tyranny a few years ago.
His boys worked really hard trying convince Dad to give them more pie. We tease him as he told them ‘Later’! They did see him gettting another slice for himself.
birthday surprise
Just the weekend before my kids pulled off a huge surprise with a birthday party for me!!
There were lots of friends and family there. My brother and his family were there. They flew in! Super additional surprise. Our honorary family member and friend Kathy flew in too. She timed her visit to her daughter (myDIL) and family to be with us.
I was so honored and thrilled! There may have been a few tears. Definitely BIG hugs from all my grandkids.

Flowers and photos in tall place holders were the table centerpieces. One of Amy’s friends took photos which meant I did not have too. I was so touched and very emotional!
Lots of local friends were there. Amy put together a video of long distance video greetings for us to watch. Friends spoke from Texas, Ohio and more states and Wales, Australia and other places around the world.
So very emotional for me. I felt so loved.
pause to give thanks
We give thanks as is our tradition.

Praying before meals, not just Thanksgiving, is an anchor tradtion of our family. It is good to say thank you to God.
advent begins
Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. For us, it was a day of worship and quiet. Everyone had left yesterday. Thankfully they live close. It was good way to begin this season of Hope and Anticipation.

“In those days Judah shall be safe and Jerusalem shall dwell secure;
this is what they shall call her: “The LORD our justice.”
– Jeremiah 33: 16
hmmm. so nice to sit and hear about your holiday days. How fortunate are those who get to grow up around you and Jim’s home made so warm and loving.
I know it’s late but, Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I have my decorations out but not up, one day at a time, I’ll get it done. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas.
Awe it looks like you had such a great Thanksgiving! Thanks so much for sharing all about your holiday with us! Also, those pies look delicious!
I am behind also, have everything, except the outdoors and tree. My husband got the flu and we have not been able to get our tree yet. But this is the year to do what you can and enjoy every moment. Merry Christmas!
Sounds like a busy week, but full of family and fun. My decorating is still kind of bare too.
Such great traditions and I always enjoy seeing the grands. The house are so pretty too!