Planning ahead for the Thanksgiving feast is important and not to be left to chance!
Planning ahead also makes that special feast day more enjoyable for everyone and generally lessens the chaos of preparing that special meal.
a family and friend focused gathering
The whole family with our five kids and their spouses and kids usually celebrate Thanksgiving together every other year. That true for Christmas too. We have an every other year arrangement for Thanksgiving and Christmas with our married children. It works well for all of us.
Some years friends also joining us for Thanksgiving Day.
Regardless of the numbers around your table you still need to do some planning! It is a special meal and day for coming together to give thanks and appreciate our blessings.
tried and true tips for creating a delicious feast
Here are my tried and true tips for creating a delicious meal. Hopefully, this will mean a stress free time to enjoy preparing the meal and enjoying everyone who is part of the day.
a day set aside for gratitude
Taking the time together to express thanks and gratitude for our many blessings together is significant for our family. For me, to be able to focus on that as we sit around the table is honey for my heart.
plan ahead for MEMORABLE time
Thanksgiving is very soon. It’s not to early to start planning.
Celebrating in our dining room that can be expanding into the living room means no elbow bumping with the extra space. We can expand our table and even add an extra one if needed.
So why do I plan so much? It keeps the stress at bay for me. That is a benefit.
I like to love on my family and guests. Using my creativity to decorate the table and food is one way I do that.
It is an act of love and consideration for my family and friends.
Don’t you love to feel like you are being pampered as a guests?
A prepared home is welcoming
I have years of experience that I have learned as we crisis-crossed the globe with many moves with the army and business after retirement.
Here are those basics to include in planning every year.
#1 invitations should go out early

For some, it is a no brainer. Family. When you have married kids, they have in-law family so there has to be some compromising and planning for that. Generally, we flip between Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Since the 2 youngest are single, we consider their work schedules in planning locations. We are so fortunate to have this arrangement! We all still live within only a few hours of each other.
Because we have lived in many places, it was not uncommon to have holidays without family. One of our memorable guests was an elderly retired missionary I had as a Bible study teacher. She was delightful.
Another year, friends from Austriala sat around our table telling kangroo tales! Newly arrived refugees joined us another. Coworkers who will not be joining their family are included.
#2 What kind of turkey will you serve
One night over dinner with friends we had discussions on the merits of fresh or frozen.
Overseas in Asia it was a major focus. Not fresh or frozen wasn’t the question but rather it was would we be able to get one! Turkeys were not easy to come by! The hunt to find a place to order from had to be well in advance, like over a month.
My first turkey in China came fresh, no doubt about it! It was plucked …mostly. The head and feet and every other part were tucked in the cavity. My helper was happy to take all of those extra parts home with her after she saw me starting to toss them away.
One year turkeys were in short supply. Several years ago, I waited too late and didn’t get a a 22 pounder as usual. Never again. I will buy early.
If I want a fresh turkey from a local supplier, I have to put in an order early and set up a delivery or pick up date.
#3 plan the menu
With all the blog posts and Pinterest choices, this could be a daunting task.
Begin with the basics and your traditional dishes first. Then add or modify.
Each year I have a new dish selection to our core basic menu.
We do like some Thanksgiving leftovers; however, I don’t want days worth!
If it is a pot luck, courtesy would say let folks know a week ahead what they should bring.
Appetizers or mini meals for the day are planned for and will be set out early. We graze!
One year ago we had a pie revolt. Read about that Pie Tyranny here. Our family will gather for the entire day!
I have loved when we have an old fashioned house party with family. Kids sleep on couches and in the gallery. Married couple couples get a bed. Kids roll out their sleeping bags around our larger bedroom. I love it!
#4 make the shopping list(s)

Include all ingredients needed for each recipe. Not having basics like sage and salt can really throw you off.
There are a lot of power shoppers out in force Thanksgiving week. Plan well! Try to go early leaving only fresh to buy that week. Â
Take the list! And your patience with a dose of kindness.
Hope that keeps you and me from forgetting to missing needed items.
Don’t forget extra trash bags!
Oh, one more thing. Fresh flowers!
#5 plan the table setting and buffet too

Flowers from the local market or grocery store are nice. Â Candles add a touch of festivity. Â Are there enough plates? Silverware, serving dishes and cutlery?
his table was decorated with gourds from our garden. If weather is pleasant, why not eat outside?
I also pull out the serving dishes and cutlery to insure I have what is needed. If you don’t have enough, buy, borrow or change your menu. Our local Party City and Walmart have affordable serving dish options to purchase. Serving dishes and baking pans? Don’t discount the advantage of disposable pans.Â
Are there enough dishes and glasses? Â Silverware?Â
Paper napkins are an easy way to add a festive colorful touch to your tables. When using paper plate buy sturdy ones; it is so worth the extra expense!
Though I love to use my dishes, it is not for everyone!! Paper products or your daily dishes are fine. It does make clean up easier.
It is not a competition with anyone or yourself! Remember, the point of these gatherings is to share time with each others and to give thanks.Â
#6 make a timeline for planning and preparing

Timelines for everything for these special meals. I include any early preparation like pie baking for Tuesday and Wednesday.
If your turkey is frozen, follow the defrost directions on the packaging. It’s must! Turkeys take a long time to safely defrost.
The timeline is my guide for the week, the day and weekend. Anyone who is pitching in uses the timeline that I post on the refrigerator.
It keeps me and my mind on track and so I am not stressing out and neither is anyone else!
Planning to have a MEMORABLE day with family and FRIENDS

When I am prepared, I feel more relaxed and confident. While every moment may not be smooth, it sure helps all of us enjoy the time together much better. I also include breaks for myself.
Last year, there was some extra fun and silliness with pilgrim and turkey glasses. There was also a coloring tablecloth for the kids. Even us adults stopped to color too.
Hope this list of 6 is helpful as you planning for a delicious and memorable Thanksgiving. Would you share your planning tips with us? We could all benefit!
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No matter if just us 3 or a house full, there always has to be planning and a schedule.
Without a doubt!
Great tips! Unfortunately we won’t be celebrating with anyone this year. Restrictions in NY are preventing travel and after the spring most people are very cautious about gatherings of any kind. I’m looking forward to setting a pretty table for us though, but we will miss our usual gathering of 30+.
Adjusting expectations for the holidays can be a challenge but with good results. Our daughter is at Syracuse where they test the studnets constantly! We’re counting the days until she makes it home. Hope your smaller holiday is a good one!
These tips are perfect. I love to plan ahead, Thanksgiving is by far my favorite Holiday! Have a wonderful one.
It’s a favorite of ours too! Happy weekend!
Thank you for sharing your experience and ideas to plan ahead. I really need all the help I can get 🙂
Makes for a better experience plus we all wander in and out of the kitchen for lots of talking and taste testing!
You’ve inspired me to start planning and be better prepared! Our gathering will be very small this year but no matter how big or small, being organized is everything. Thanks for the great suggestions! xo
You’re welcome Juliet. I do tend to plan for anytime we have company this way regardless of how many are around our table.
So many great tips! I’m so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
I am too! Hope the tips are helpful. Thanks for visiting Linda.
So many great tips, thanks for sharing.
Have a good day Antia and thanks for the vist.
Great tips to get you organized for the holiday!
Thanks for dropping by. Organizing can make theose days better!
This is all great advice. Here in New Zealand we don’t celebrate thanksgiving but these tips are useful for planning any get together. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Carol. You are right; I do this for any gathering.
These are all great tips! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family! Holidays with family make the best memories!
I definitely feel more relaxed when I am prepared! I’ve learned my lesson in throwing a dinner party & feeling rushed & frazzled- not enjoyable!
I know what you mean! Been there!
Every year I like to try to change it up! Your ideas gave me something to think about!
Hope it is helpful for a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and yours.
Great tips. I work best with lists on my phone. I keep a list for everything. As for who will be invited, well, it’s always the same people, so that part is easy. The menu – I’m always looking for new and intriguing recipes.
I do make list on my phone but still rpint timeline and menu out for the fridge so everyone including me know what to do when. I try to add a new dish every year but now with my daughter and DIL’s they bring something new and new favorites they have introduced! Check out this one. It’s from my newest DIL! https://bushelandapickle.com/autumn-carmelized-vegetables/ Happy Monday!
Thanks for all the wonderful tips, Linda. I always seem to go into a flat spin when we have more than two people around and I know I have to feed them. Not my strong point I’m afraid. Love how you mentioned including co-workers and/or people who may not be lucky enough to be invited to a family Thanksgiving. That’s what it’s all about <3
Michelle, after literally decades of hosting friends and family I till make a list and often even a timeline otherwise I think I would meltdown! It helps with giving others tasks too. Hope these tips help you out when you host. And family bundles or rotisserie chicken is always an option! Happy Monday!
Thanks for sharing your tips! Have a happy Thanksgiving 🙂
Thanks for dropping by Sara! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful this year!
Our Thanksgiving is always filled with our families favorites. Makes planning quite easy. We usually throw in a new dish for fun. Also, I trade off between a frozen fruit salad and a fresh one that my mom always made. I make pecan pie that was my moms recipe and Coconut cream that was my mother in laws. All the recipes have been passed down from family. Right down to the stuffing. It is work, but oh how I love it! One thing that is nice, is that each of my (5) kids bring one of the side dishes. Makes it a big help for me! This year I will be cooking 2 turkeys. Going to have a house full. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Wow, 2 turkeys! I am in awe.
Fun to visit your blog, Linda! And thanks for your comment on my Pursuing Heart facebook page. Hope your Thanksgiving is an extra memorable one. I agree with what you wrote … “A prepared home is welcoming”.
Nice ,thorough list. I leave enough the cooking for guests to help. That way everyone feels a part. 🙂
Thanks! Totally agree, it is always nice to have help and be included!
I always plan ahead, it’s so much easier and less stressful that way. Love the planning tips.
I love all the great suggestions and tips. I agree that planning ahead makes things easier .
Linda, great suggestions! I host Thanksgiving and do all the cooking! It is physically tiring, but worth all the labor! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Pam
It can be tiring. I do ask and get help! Having it all planned helps me do that. Plus we have some really good cooks in our family.